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Concrete and Structural Testing

Arbeiter nimmt Bodenproben für Baugrunduntersuchung, Vorbereitung auf Bauprojekt.

Reliable Quality
to the Highest Standards

Our concrete and structural testing is based on the expertise of our highly qualified building materials and laboratory staff as well as our VMPA-recognized testing facility (according to DIN 1045-2 and DIN 1045-3).

We use the latest technology to examine the consistency, air content, water permeability and strength of the concrete, supplemented by chemical and mineralogical analyses. We also offer core sampling for compressive and surface tensile strength as well as

On-site testing to ensure corrosion protection and durability – for maximum safety

and efficiency in every construction project.

Hände ordnen Betonprobenblöcke, Prüfungsprozess im Labor für Baustoffqualität.
Baustelle mit Brückenbau und Kränen, Großprojekt im Infrastrukturbereich.

You are looking for a service provider for Concrete and Engineering Structures -
Then you have found it.

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